Miniature Wargaming by Wikipedia
Article on Miniature Wargaming
Buckets of Dice Wargaming Blog
Sean's thoughts and ideas on the hobby and will be a diary of his gaming. .
Ade's Wargaming Blog
An eclectic mix of wargames miscellany, being my attempts to resurrect my old Whitemetal web pages and keep track of my current activities.
Flames of War Painting
Specialist Painting Service for WW2 Miniatures 15mm-20mm-28mm scales
Games Workshop
British game production and retailing company. Games Workshop has published the tabletop wargames Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000 and The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game
Field of Glory
Osprey Publishing
Oxford-based publishing company specializing in military history
Stoke-Challenge Wargames Show
Stoke Challenge is a wargaming show held every year at the TA Centre in Stoke-on-Trent.